Angst - First of a big welcome to the board - I hope that you enjoy your time here and find it useful, comforting, stimulating, educational, whatever you want it to be or need it to be.
I congratulate you on your determination never to go back to the organisation - it can be quite daunting to step out from the org. and reclaim your life. I sincerely hope that things are going well for you and that you are managing to move on in your life.
You make an interesting point about people swinging the opposite way when they leave the organisation - I think what you are observing is peoples reaction to freedom - the organisation, as you are certainly aware, is very lethal to the individuality of a person, his freedom of expression and his 'spirit'. When people are constantly told not to do this, or not to do that, it is only human nature to go against this when the opportunity arises. When the chains of the organisation are broken a person is able to become the person they want to be instead of the person the Society wants them to be.
For those that maybe leave and immediately get a tattoo or a piercing I can understand that this maybe serves as a sign to others that they are free to live life as they wish. I imagine it must be quite a liberating experience although I have no desire to do either myself!
I am no psychiatrist but I believe that the drug issue may be an expression of freedom also, and perhaps a way to forget the pain of their experiences... again I have no desire to get involved with this either!
As for immoral lifestyles, I am not convinced that being an exJW tends to make you immoral - far from it in fact. You will find a lot of people on this board who are more than content with their partners and would not dream of looking elsewhere - me for starters! To get away from the organisations rules and regulations about how you should conduct your sex life is very refreshing - it no longer feels as though you have to analyse everything. Immorality amongst unmarried people is another matter entirely and whether you agree with sex before marriage is quite up to you, in a perfect world - yes, it would be nice, but it is not practical and could lead to problems of incompatibility if not explored prior to marriage.
Holidays? I dont know of anyone who celebrates Christmas purely because to them it signifies the birth of Christ. I am sure you would agree with me that today the festival has lost much of its meaning.
To most people it is merely a time for families to get together, have a good meal, exchange gifts and generally relax and watch the women do all the work... The religion has almost been removed from Christmas now, and Easter too. What child associates Easter with Christ? More like chocolate eggs and the Easter bunny. As for birthdays, when I saw how lame the JW argument was for not celebrating them I realised that there is nothing wrong in congratulating my kids on reaching little milestones in their lives, making them feel extra special for one day of the year, giving them something to look forward to - seeing their little faces light up because they know they are the centre of attention... Is God really that jealous that he cant bear to see this delight in children?
And when a person reaches his 100th birthday is it so wrong to make a fuss and say 'well done - what an achievement - have a happy day!'
I, like you, maintain a good conscience and try to follow my heart, not the world or the JWs. I never have been one to follow the crowd. My main aim is to keep my family happy and stable and to try and give as much of my time and energy as possible to help other people. And what other people do with their freedom - I leave up to them, some of them have been in chains so long - they deserve to stretch their legs a little....
Anyway, like I said, a big welcome - looking forward to hearing more from you!